Crater Lake National Park

Park Address: 1 Sager Building Highway 62, Crater Lake, OR 97604

Latitude and Longitude GPS:

Park Hours: 24 Hours a day, 365 days a year.

Park Fees: $30 in Summer and $20 in Winter for a Private Vehicle Pass. $25 in summer and $15 in winter for a Motorcycle Pass. $15 for those traveling by foot or bicycle. Those 15 years or younger enter the park for free. Various Annual Pass deals are available. Various commercial group rates are available.

Steel Visitor Center Information: Hours vary, but normal hours during spring and summer are 9:00am to 5:00pm 7 days a week. Normal hours during winter and fall are 10:00am to 4:00pm 7 days a week.

Year Established as a National Park: May 22, 1902

Park Size: 183,224 acres

Weather Summary: Summer average temperature range between 40 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter average temperatures range between 18 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit.  Snow and rain are possible at all times of the year. Crater Lake is hidden by clouds whenever it is raining or snowing, so the Lake is invisible 50% of the time during winter.

Hiking Trails and Overlooks: Garfield Peak Trail, The Watchman Peak Trail, Mount Scott Trail, Discovery Point Trail, Plaikni Falls Trail, Sun Notch Trail, Crater Lake Rim Scenic Drive, Pinnacles Valley Trail, Annie Creek Canyon Trail, Crater Peak Trail, Castle Crest Wildflower Garden Trail, Union Peak Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Alternate Loop, Dutton Creek Trail, Lightning Spring Trail, Lady of the Woods Trail, Cleetwood Cove Trail, Stuart Falls Trail, Pumice Flat Trail.

Mountains and Peaks: Cascade Mountain Range, Mountain Mazama, Mount Scott, Garfield Peak, Mount Thielsen, Union Peak, Crater Peak, Mount Bailey, 

Islands: Wizard Island,

Lakes in Park: Crater Lake

Rivers in Park: Kaweah River, Kern River, Golden Trout Creek

Waterfalls and Creeks: Alder Creek Falls Tokopah Falls

Animals Native to Park: Spotted Owls, Black Bears, Mountain Lions, 

Interesting Facts About Crater Lake National Park: Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States with a recorded depth of 1,943 feet. The lake is fed by rain and snow from surrounding mountains and cliffs, and scientists say Crater Lake is the cleanest large body of water in the world.