Park Address: 171 Shoreline Dr, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425

Latitude and Longitude GPS: 39.3228° N, 77.7292° W

Park Hours: 9:00am - 6:00pm 

Park Fees: $20 a Vehicle.

Visitor Center Information: 171 Shoreline Dr. 

Park Size: 3,745 acres

Weather Summary: Average Temperature in the Summer: 76(F). Average Temperature in the Winter: 40(F).  

Hiking Trails and Overlooks: Maryland Heights Loop, Maryland N Trail, Loudoun Heights, Appalachian Trail, Murphy Chamber Trail, Split Rock, Virginius Island Trail, Ed Garvy Shelter, Bolivar Hiking Trail and Night Battle Trail Loop.

Mountains in the Park: Camp Hill, Loudoun Heights, Potomac Water Gap. 

Rivers: Walk past John Brown's Fort, under the Winchester and Potomac Railroad to find the Potomac River and also the Shenandoah River bridge.

Animals Native to Park: Allegheny woodrat, American beaver, river otter, wood turtle, field sparrow, red admiral, luna moth. 

Interesting Facts About Grand Teton National Park: Harpers Ferry is a town that is named after Robert Harper, a man who built a ferry to cross Potomac River in the 1700s. In 1944 the park's area was originally designated as a national monument. In 1963 Congress re-designated it as Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.